Como Train Station Mural 2021

wuri wuriyirbulay (sunset) 

wuri wuriwawulay (sunrise)

Painted on Dharawal Country in collaboration with Aunty Deanna Schreiber.

Medium: Aerosol and acrylic. Two murals, 3m height x 6m length

Painted in the concourse onto the newly renovated Como Train Station, this mural consists of two sections that welcome you into the station on the eastern and western entries. I worked in close collaboration with Local Elder Aunty Deanna Schreiber to design and create this mural. 

The sun rising and setting represents the two entry locations and the landscape and flora of the local area. The mural was inspired by the richness of cultural history in the place where the station now sits. The station is cut into the ancient sandstone which revealed layers of history, this inspired the different layers represented in the murals. The mangroves found around the riverbanks in the area support life and hold great importance. It felt natural to include these.


Wambuul Dubbo 2021


Como Pre-School 2021