Killara High School 2023

Painted on Cammeraygal Country

Medium: Aerosol on brick.

I visited Killara High School twice for two creative workshops with the First Nations students. During these workshops, the students saw the site of where the mural will be painted and shared their ideas that connected to place. These ideas included local native flowers such as dianella, bottle brush, grevillea, banksia and wattle. 

Merindah led an active Acknowledgement of Country where the students drew and wrote poems to Country. The students noted the breeze, rustling of the trees, birds, chatter, insects buzzing, vehicles, paper rustling,  relaxed, calm. They observed nature, trees, lamandra, cicadas, bottlebrush and sunlight. 

I consulted with Aunty Clair Jackson and Uncle Neil Evers on the mural design.

This project actually began pre-covid in 2019, but due to the pandemic and general life, I was finally able to paint the mural in 2023.


TAFENSW St George 2023


Mikarie 2023