Risky Behaviour Project - Bila Muuji 2020

Bila Muuji is located in Dubbo, Wiradjuri Nation.

Medium: Digitalised hand drawn illustration.

A relatable character can build an accommodating environment for young people and assist in opening dialogue and help with communication. These characters were designed to be used by Bila Muuji in their “Risky Behaviour Project” for youth. The youthful characters were created to connect participants with the program and to encourage them into the program.

The Bila Muuji Aboriginal Corporation Health Services Incorporated comprises Aboriginal Community Controlled Medical Services from Coomealla, Coonamble, Dubbo, Forbes and Orange and we are very active in trying to address the health inequality in each of our local communities. Our approach is to “provide health services addressing not just the physical well-being of the individual but also the social, emotional and cultural well-being of the whole community”. (Bila Muuji Aboriginal Corporation Health Services Incorporated 2021)  www.bilamuujihealthservices.org.au  


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